Welcome to this Best Status Collection of Attitude Status In English Friends, If you are looking for Attitude Status for your Facebook or Whatsapp Then this post is especially for you. We are sharing here the best collection of Attitude Status in English with Images, Which you can also share on your WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

My attitude is like a mirror, only
reflects what’s presented in front of me.
Loyalty is an expensive gift,
don’t expect it from cheap people.
Maybe I am a villain in your story,
but I am a Hero in mine.
When I Care, I don’t leave,
and Once I leave, I don’t care.
I’m sorry, it’s my fault.
I forgot you’re an Idiot.
I never insult people;
I only tell them what they are.
It’s my attitude
its my style.
I know you special girl ’
cause I know too many.
I am the dragon
breathing fire.
Never assume that loud is
strong and quiet is weak.
I’m humble but know all
the qualities of a devil.
You lost me
I lost time.
I don’t say much
But I listen a lot.
Your opinion is
not my reality.
I lose interest
when I get ignored.
If your ego barks
Then my Attitude roars.

Don’t trust words, trust actions.
Sometimes God breaks your

Give the world a reason
to remember your name.

Don’t judge my past, look at my present,
I am sure my future is really rocking.

Don’t be a slave in heaven.
Be a king of hell.

If they make You an option
make them your history.
Attitude Quotes In English

I know I’m awesome, so
I don’t Care about your opinion.

Stop crying for a bitch and
start struggling to become rich.

A positive attitude is a person’s
passport to a better tomorrow.

Your attitude can take you forward or
your attitude can take you down.
The choice is always yours!

Money did not give me this attitude,
this attitude gave me money.

"I never explain myself because
I know that I made no mistake."

Positivity brings about a peace of
mind which in turn relaxes your whole being.

Convince yourself everyday that
you are worthy of a good life.
Let go of stress, breathe.
Stay positive, all is well.

My perception is different
so my attitude is different."

"My attitude may vary after
looking at your attitude."

If you take me seriously then
I am perfect for you but if you take me
as a game then I will make rules to play it.

I don't let others make decisions for me because
I know that I have to face the situation."
Killer Attitude Status in English

Your attitude is your point of
view towards people and things.

Do such work that people in your life
should feel proud of themselves
that they have you in their life.

Your attitude should not depend on
your feeling but your feeling should
depend on your attitude.

Changing attitude is the
only key to deal with change.

The end result of any of your task
depends purely on the attitude you
had at the beginning of that task.

Make others feel your
attitude and not just words.

Kind attitude can only hurt
those who are afraid of kindness."

Mark the day when you take
complete responsibility for your
actions. It will be the day when
you have reformed into an adult.

With a right mental attitude,
you will be unstoppable in achieving your goals.

Having correct attitudes
for every situation
in life will help you deal
with those situations with ease.

Your attitude can either raise
a crowd or burn it to ashes.
Which one is yours?

The better your attitude is,
the better will be the people around you.

Be happy even for those who wish unhappiness for you.
This will be the first step towards the positive attitude.

Your attitude can crush you,
make you or destroy you forever.

Getting better is always a task
but with the right attitude
you're already halfway there.

You've heard that good things
take time but your attitude
can do it faster.

I do not care if people show
attitude but I care when people
cheat and try to feel superior.
Stylish Attitude Status in English

I am neither the sun nor the moon
as people can see me throughout the day.

You need to show a little
attitude to come forward in life.

There is only one thing that can
determine your success or
failure and that is attitude.

It is never ok to be silent
when people try to take away
your freedom.

Nothing can stop the man with the right
mental attitude from achieving his goal;
nothing on earth can help the man
with the wrong mental attitude.

I have very little patience
but I know when to react
and when to not.

I don't judge anyone because
I'm not perfect so if you think
you can then think twice.

Minds are like parachutes
—they only function when open.

Excellence is not a skill.
It is an attitude.

Positive thoughts are the
wings of accomplishment

Changing your mindset
is a game changer.

You cannot have a positive
life and a negative mind.

Always bear in mind that your own
resolution to succeed is more
important than any other one thing.

Love me? Great.
Hate me? Even Better.
Don’t know me?
Don’t judge me !

My life,
My rules,
My attitude !

You were born to fit in.
I was born to stand out.

I am who i am.
Your approval is not needed.

Don’t be easy to define.
Let them wonder about you.

Don’t judge my choices
if you don’t understand my reason.

I am not perfect but
I am limited Edition.

Born to express,
not to impress.

In the land of gods and monsters,
I was an angel.
English Attitude Status for WhatsApp

Don’t follow your dreams,
follow me.

I don’t need your approval to be me.

I may look innocent,
but I may surely put you in trouble.

It’s my attitude,
its my style.

You couldn’t handle me
even if i came with instructions.

You are the conductor of your own attitude!
Nobody else can compose your thoughts for you.

I am what i am
your approval is not needed
and it wasn’t never asked !

I’m 97% sure you don’t like me,
but I’m 100% sure I Don’t care.

Jealously is a disease
get well soon!

Don’t let the insecurities of others dull your sparkle.
Shine like the star you are born to be.

I try and see who’s there on
the other end of the shade.

I know I’m Awesome. So,
I don’t care about your opinion.

Be bold in what you stand for
and careful what you fall for.

They ain’t make me what I am,
they just found me like this.

I’m up right now and
you suck right now.

How You gonna upgrade me?
What’s higher than number one?

You attitude may hurt
me but mine can kill you.

I can’t change the direction of the wind,
but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

Don’t copy my attitude
because its my attitude.

I know you special girl
cause I know too many.

I know you special girl
cause I know too many

The guy with a great
sense of humor.
Attitude shayari in English
I’m your worst nightmare.
Don’t follow your dreams, follow me.
I was born to stand out.
I am not perfect but I am limited Edition.
You were born to fit in.
I was born to stand out.
Be the best version of yourself.
I have attitude for those
who force me to show them.
People Call Me I Am Selfish,
And I Call It Self Caring.
People Call My Goals Are Unrealistic,
I Say That’s My Attitude.
Instead Of Copying Me,
Have An Attitude Of Being An Original.
I Am Who I Am,
Judge Me When You Are Perfect.
I Can Be A Bad Ass
But Then You Won’t Survive.
You Can Call Me Old School,
But I Like To Respect Everyone Equally.
Haters And Dog Both Bark.
Be Patient With Yourself.
Don’t burn yourself,
To keep others warm.
People cant break your trust
if you don’t trust them.
Breakup saved you
from becoming stupid.
When boys win arguments,
Breakup Happens.
The Naked Truth is always
better than a dressed lie.
Treat yourself like a King and
you’ll attract your Queen.
It hurts, but it’s ok.
I’m used to it.
My character is very normal,
it’s your nerves that are weak
Please don’t get confused between
my personality and my attitude.
I’m not anti-social.
I’m just anti-bullshit.
Don’t be a slave in heaven.
Be a king of hell.
Correction does much,
but encouragement does more
Success is not easy and
is certainly not for lazy.
Treat me well and
I’ll double the favor.
Next stop:
The top!
Kinda care,
kinda don’t.
I’m gonna make
myself proud!
Cool head, warm heart.
Hating me doesn’t make you pretty
Laugh with many,
but don’t trust any.
Making the impossible
possible is my specialty.
Come on, haters! Motivate me more.
“Be Positive” is my blood type.
Be like a proton. Always positive
I never lose. It’s either I win or I learn.
The less you care,
the lesser the worries you’ll have.
Being positive is an attitude in itself.
Quitting is not my cup of tea.
I eat rejections for breakfast!
Be a voice,
not an echo.
Flirting is the way for singles to say I’m free.
“I am what i am
I will never try to be some one else.”
Love me? Great.
Hate me? Even Better.
Don’t know me?
Don’t judge me!”
Don’t forget to forget the person who forgets you.”
Don’t study me. You won’t graduate!”
Be the best version of yourself.”
Life is a joke for the jokers.”
Don’t hate me
just get to know me first !
I am actually a very nice person
until you piss me off.”
She was almost the one.
But not the one.”
I don’t say much
But I listen a lot.”
Of course your opinion matters,
just not to me.”
“You say I dream too big.
I say you think to small.”
“I don’t like to take right decision,
I take decisions and make them right.”
Hurt me once
I’ll break you twice
Let Me Clear About That,
I Have Some Attitude”
“Only I can change my life,
No one can do it for me.”
“I trust the next chapter
because I know the author”
“If a plan didn’t work,
Alphabet has 25 more letters.”
“Love me or hate me but
you will never change me.
Don’t let yourself be controlled by three things: People, Money, or past experiences.
Breakup saved you from becoming stupid.
When you grow up, Your Heart Dies.
When boys win arguments,
Breakup Happens.
It’s not what you did, Son. It’s who you did it too.
You can make the same mistake twice because the second time it’s not a mistake. It’s a choice
If we screw up this moment, we try the next.
Take a deep breath and remember who the Fu*k you are.
Stuck Between IDK, IDC, And IDGAF.
Nothing’s wrong with this world something wrong with humans.
Stop worrying about people that aren’t worried about you.
If you see someone without a smile, Give them one of yours.
Most people you trust talks shit about you.
Motivate yourself, Don’t listen to those people who only see your mistakes.
Don’t blame the distractions, Improve your focus.
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.
Please don’t get confused between my personality and my attitude.
I am not a word, I am not a line, I am not a girl that can ever be defined.
My choices are like fingerprints, they make me unique.
SINGLE is not a status. It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on other
I’m not anti-social. I’m just anti-bullshit.
I’m strong, I’m beautiful, I am enough.
Dear God, thanks for making me special. B-)
My status is already high….
I am the girl everyone wants, not the girl everyone had.
Fashion says “me too” style says “only me.”
I don’t come with dice. So don’t play me.
You can hate me, but why knock my hustle? I’ ma be the queen, no matter how they shuffle..
Fashions fade, style is eternal.
It’s not my attitude. It’s my style.
I feel sorry for people who don‘t know me.
Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.
I have got a good heart but this mouth.
I dress, not to impress, but for comfort and for style.
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